Public Green Fees 
Cart Fees are per person not per cart. (Max 2 riders per cart)
The driving range will be closed at 4:30PM every Tuesday for a clean pick and will not reopen till Wednesday morning.
Rain check policy
Playing in Existing Conditions
Please note that rain checks will not be issued if you choose to tee off in pre-existing or imminent inclement weather conditions, such as light sprinkles or brief showers. The golf shop staff will have the final say in determining if conditions warrant a rain check (e.g., heavy rain, thunder, and lightning).
Weather Delays & Safety
Should a rain or weather event occur during your round, we ask that you mark your position on the course and immediately seek shelter in the clubhouse. In the event of lightning, a horn will sound to signal the immediate suspension of play.
Once the weather delay has passed and our staff deem it safe to resume play, you may return to your marked position on the course.
Rain Check Vouchers
- Short Delays: For brief weather delays, play will resume as soon as conditions permit with no vouchers issued
- Substantial Delays: If the delay exceeds one hour, a credit voucher will be issued for any unplayed holes. This voucher can be used towards your green fee on your next visit to Water Valley Golf Club.
- Voucher Expiration: Credit vouchers are valid for 120 days or until the end of the current golf season, whichever comes first.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in ensuring a safe and enjoyable golfing experience for everyone.